Lesson 2: Gospel

« Lesson 1: Jesus « - 2/12 - » Lesson 3: Repentance »

What is the Gospel?

The word Gospel means a happy message - in Biblical sense it is used for a message about birth and life of Jesus Christ that came to the Earth to save sinners. The name Gospel is used for four New Testament books about Jesus Christ's life - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Gospels are also Christian songs (mainly black) inspired by Biblical stories and often sung in Protestant churches.

The whole content of the word Gospel consists from four parts:

God is Love

1 John.4.8 - that who doesn't love - that doesn't know the God
Jer.31.3 - God makes mercy

A man is sinful

Gen.1.27 - God created man in His own image
Gen.2.15-17 - He placed him into the Paradise Garden and warned his before sin
Gen.3.6 - Man broke God's prohibition - he sinned
Rom.5.12 - Adam's offspring was sinful too

God can't stand a sin, so a non-crossable depth has created between people and God

Isa.59.2 - sin separated Man from God
Rom.6.23 - reward for sin is a death

But God loves people and offers them a way out - bridge over a depth

John.3.16 - God sacrificed His only Son because of saving people
Rom.5.8 - Jesus died for sinners
1 John.3.5 - Jesus came and wiped out our sins
1 Cor.15.3-4 - Jesus died and rised from the dead according prophecies
Rev.3.20 - Jesus offers salvation to anybody that cares for it
John.14.6 - Jesus is the only way to salvation

« Lesson 1: Jesus « - 2/12 - » Lesson 3: Repentance »


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