Lesson 5: Baptism

« Lesson 4: Borning again « - 5/12 - » Lesson 6: Holy Ghost »

What is the baptism?

After borning-again man became a new man and his old he must be "removed".

Baptism by water

The word baptism means "submersion". Adumbration of baptism is possible to find already in Flood of World and saving of Noah - that was the only rightul and because of it he was saved. Sinful rest of people was drowned. That way was the world "purged" from sin (Gen.6.7) (for some time).
Similarly is the baptism by water done by diving whole man to water, a new man is comming out of water, old sinful man stayes drowned in water. Baptism by water is done by "senior" Christian, similarly as John the Baptist. John the Baptist by baptism prepared people to be able to listen and admit Jesus.
Rom.6.2-11 - sinful man died
Mark.16.15-16 - a man should believe to the Gospel first and THEN to let himself baptised
Matt.3.11-17 - John the Baptist baptized by water, Jesus by the Holy Ghost
Matt.28.19-20 - a Christian should anounced the Gospel and to baptize people in the name of God
2 Cor.5.17 - a new creation

Baptism by the Holy Ghost

After the baptism by water (sometimes also before it) there comes baptism by the Holy Ghost that is done by Jesus.Senior Christians can only help to it - they cannot baptize by themselves. A man baptized by the Holy Ghost obtains outstanding abilities that differs at different persons - a gift of speaking by Angel languages, a gift of prophecy, a gift of healing a.s.o.
Acts.1.4-8 - Holy Ghost = Father's promise
Luke.24.49 - Jesus promised to send the Ghost to the people
Acts.2.3-4 - baptism by the Holy Ghost and speaking by Angel language
Acts.2.11 - to the Angel language all foreigners understood
Jer.33.3 - phone to Heaven - God will answer to people for their crying
Mark.1.7 - after the baptism by water comes baptism by Holy Ghost
Matt.3.11 - baptism by water is purging
Acts.2.38 - forgiving of sins
Acts.8.14-17 - helping to baptism by prayer and hand laying
Acts.10.44 - baptims at God's word
Acts.10.47 - baptism by water after the baptism by the Holy Ghost
Mark.16.17-18 - gifts of exorcism, languages, poison-proving, healing ("they'll recover" speaks about patients, not about healer)

Speaking in Angel language

1 Cor.14.2 - Angel language speaks to God only
1 Cor.14.4 - language educates the Christian himself, prophecy educates whole church
1 Cor.14.14 - by language is human spirit speaking, a man himself doesn't understand what he speaks

« Lesson 4: Borning again « - 5/12 - » Lesson 6: Holy Ghost »


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